b'96Pencil SharpenersSharpeners- by DerwentSuperpoint Mini Manual Sharpeners have a durable helical blade which sharpens pencils to super points for fine detail work. Suitable for pencils upto 8mm in diameter.The pastel sharpener is specifically designed for use with pastel pencils, charcoal pencils, Drawing and Artists.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPTAADSH Superpoint Mini Manual1 1 18.29SharpenerTAADAPPS Pastel Pencil Sharpener 1 14 2.20GripsMulti-Purpose Finger Grips- by KumThe Pencil Grip is a revolutionary applied technology that works with the bodys natural physiology gently place fingers in the proper position for gripping.The Pencil Grip works on pens, pencils, hobby knives, paint brushes and more.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPWKG Multi-Purpose Finger Grips 1 34 1.99ErasersMedium Putty Rubber- by Winsor & NewtonKneadable rubber for improving and brightening pastel, chalk or charcoal drawings, and obtaining special effects.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPTCFPRM Medium Putty Rubber 1 36 2.35 Web: www.artstat.co.uk Email: action@artstat.co.uk'