b'112StencilsAmericana Decor Stencils- by DecoArtAll stencils are durably constructed making them ideal for use with texture products as well as paints. Each design is cleanly cut to ensure crisp lines,and the font stencils have baseline guide markings for easy alignment.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPAADS1**-K 6x6 1 3 4.79AADS3**-K 6x18 1 sheet per pack 1 3 6.99AADS3**-K 6x18 2 sheets per pack 1 3 11.99AADS4**-K 18x18 1 3 11.99When specifying the shape, quote the number after the code.6x6 Stencils05 Succulent 08 Zinnia6x18 Stencils, 1 sheet per pack09 Birds &10 Folk Flowers 11 Mid-Century12 Tropical13 Greetings 14 Bloom & Grow 15 Love 16 ParadiseButterflies Flowers Blooms Web: www.artstat.co.uk Email: action@artstat.co.uk'