b'460Winsor & Newton ProMarker ProMarker- by Winsor & NewtonWinsor & Newton ProMarker is a high quality twin-tipped marker thatmakes the perfect introduction to colouring with alcohol based markers.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPUPM**** Winsor & Newton ProMarker1 6 3.25Available in 156 ColoursWhen specifying the colour, quote the letter after the code.Colour Range:CodeCodeCodeCode AGEAAegean MCG1Cool Grey 1 LIMELime Green PUMPPumpkinALMOAlmond MCG2Cool Grey 2 LZESLime Zest PURPPurpleAMBEAmber MCG3Cool Grey 3 LIPSLipstick Red PUTTPuttyAMETAmethyst MCG4Cool Grey 4 LUSHLush Green RAWRaw SiennaANTIAntique Pink MCG5Cool Grey 5 MAGEMagenta REDRedAPPLApple CORACoral MANDMandarin ROSERose PinkAPRIApricot CORNCornflower MANGMango ROYARoyal BlueARCTArctic Blue CRIMCrimson MARIMarine RUBYRubyAUBEAubergine CYANCyan MAROMaroon SADDSaddle BrownAZURAzure DENIDenim Blue MARSMarsh Green SAFFSaffronBABYBaby Pink DUCKDuck Egg MEADMeadow Green SALMSalmon PinkBERRBerry Red DUSKDusky Pink MIDNMidnight Blue SANDSandstoneBLACBlack DROSDusky Rose MINTMint Green SATISatinBLENBlender EMEREmerald MOSSMoss SHALShaleBLOSBlossom FIREFirebrick MULBMulberry SKYSky BlueBLUEBlue Pearl FOREForest Green MUSTMustard SLATSlateBBELBluebell FRENFrench Navy OATMOatmeal SGRESoft GreenBLUSBlush FUSCFuschia Pink OLIVOlive Green SOFTSoft LimeBGREBright Green GINGGinger ORANOrange SPEASoft PeachBRIGBright Orange GOLDGold ORCHOrchid SPICSpiceBURGBurgundy GRASGrass PBLOPale Blossom STORStorm CloudBORABurnt Orange GREEGreen PALEPale Pink SUNFSunflowerBSIEBurnt Sienna GGREGrey Green PBEIPastel Beige SUNKSunkissed PinkBUMBBurnt Umber HENNHenna PBLUPastel Blue TANTanBUTTButtercup HERBHerb Green PGREPastel Green TEAGTea GreenCADECadet Blue HOLLHolly PPINPastel Pink TERRTerracottaCANACanary HONEHoney PYELPastel Yellow TRUETrue BlueCARACaramel HOTPHot Pink PEACPeach TULITulip YellowCARDCardinal Red MIG1Ice Grey 1 PEARPear Green TURQTurquoiseCARMCarmine MIG2Ice Grey 2 PEBBPebble Blue UMBEUmberCERICerise MIG3Ice Grey 3 PESTPesto VANIVanillaCHAMChampagne MIG4Ice Grey 4 PETRPetrol Blue VERDVerdigrisCHESChestnut MIG5Ice Grey 5 PINEPine VIOLVioletCHINChina Blue INDIIndigo Blue PCARPink Carnation WALNWalnutCINNCinnamon IVORIvory PLUMPlum MWG1Warm Grey 1CLOUCloud Blue KHAKKhaki POPPPoppy MWG2Warm Grey 2CTAICocktail Pink LAVELavender POWDPowder Blue MWG3Warm Grey 3COCACocoa LEAFLeaf Green PRALPraline MWG4Warm Grey 4COBAColbalt Blue LEMOLemon PRIMPrimrose MWG5Warm Grey 5COOLCool Aqua LILALilac PRUSPrussian YELLYellow Web: www.artstat.co.uk Email: action@artstat.co.uk'