b'358Pencils & Graphite for Drawing & SketchingCarbon Pencils- by WolffWolff Carbon pencils are extra smooth with a pure velvety texture. They produce lovely rich matt black tones, combining the best attributes of charcoal with those of graphite.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPTWAWCPCWolff Carbon Pencils1 6 6.50 Card of 4 AssortedTWAWCPB** Wolff Carbon Pencils1 12 1.75 All Grades (4)When specifying the grade, quote the number and letter after the code.Grades/Codes:DarkerLighter6B4B 2BBCarbon Pencils- by ConteDerived from traditional charcoal but more resistant. Delicate and detailed finish ideal for accurately drawing building perspectives etc.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPTCFCAP**Conte Carbon Pencils1 12 1.60All Grades (6)When specifying the grade, quote the number and letter after the code.Grades/Codes:DarkerLighter3B 2B B HB H 2H Web: www.artstat.co.uk Email: action@artstat.co.uk'