b'277Scraperfoil KitsEngraving Art- by Royal & Langnickel Simply scrape away the black layer to reveal a stunning gold foil picture below.Engraving Art Gold Foil Sets come with everything needed to complete the project. These sets are a great way to create beautiful engraving art- even for a beginner. A practice board is included to allow experimenting with different techniques.Package Dimensions:8.375 in x 11.625 in213 mm x 295 mmPackage Contents:1 8" x 10" Preprinted Board1 Practice Piece1 Scraper CutterProduct code Description MOQ PQ RRP11 Retriever & PuppiesSREGOLF** Engraving Art 1 3 5.49GoldFull range continues on next page12 Otters 13 Owls 14 Lion & Cubs 15 Deer 16 Fox & Cubs 17 Koalo Bears18 Wolves 19 Eagles 20 Horses 21 Leopard In Tree 22 Meer Cats 23 Bengal Tiger24 Giraffe 25 Nostalgic Race 28 Baby Dragon 29 Spotted 30 Almost HumanFax: 0161 902 3801 Sales order line: 0161 902 3800'