b"156Pro Arte BrushesEA D Brush Wallets- by Pro ArteB CThis is a wonderful way to buy brushes. You make a substantial saving on the individual brush prices and can choose a set which suits your particular media or purpose. Each set comes in a handy plastic wallet which protects and keeps them all together.Prolene Brush Wallets- by Pro ArteProduct codeDescription MOQ PQ RRPEPKW1 A W1 Prolene Set 1125.15EPKW2 B W2 Prolene Plus Set 1130.65EPKW3 C W3 Prolene Set 1128.65EPKW4 D W4 Prolene Set 1124.25EPKW5 E W5 Prolene Set1132.90Acrylix Brush Wallets- by Pro ArteE Product codeDescription MOQ PQ RRPEPKW6A W6 Sterling Acrylix Set16 28.40EPKW8B W8 Acrylix Set16 27.40Hog Brush Wallets- by Pro ArteProduct codeDescription MOQ PQ RRPEPKW7A C W7A Hog Set 16 28.20EPKW7B D W7B Hog Set1623.30A C DEPKW11 E W11 Studio Hog Set16 14.05BSquirrel Artists' Wash Brushes (Series 50)These wash brushes are manufactured from high quality squirrel hair.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPEPKS50S Series 50 Squirrel Wash1 1 11.50SmallEPKS50M Series 50 Squirrel Wash1 1 15.95MediumEPKS50L Series 50 Squirrel Wash1 1 22.50LargeEPKS50EL Series 50 Squirrel Wash1 1 34.50Extra Large Web: www.artstat.co.uk Email: action@artstat.co.uk"