b'186Oil Painting MediumsLiquin Fine Detail- by Winsor & NewtonA fluid gloss medium ideal for fine detailed work. It is also perfect for usein smoothly blended areas with no brush marks. Produces a smoothsurface picture.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPRCFLFD75 Liquin Fine Detail - 75ml 1 3 7.65Liquin Light Gel- by Winsor & NewtonA light, thixotropic gel which breaks down on brushing and flows out to givea non-drip effect when mixed with colour. It dries to a gloss film, and is idealfor glazing.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPRCFLLG75 Liquin Light Gel - 75ml 1 3 7.65Artists Painting Medium- by Winsor & NewtonA flammable pale yellow thinning medium for oil colours, which improvesflow and wetting, thereby facilitating fine detail work. Dries to a flexible filmwith minimal tendency to yellow, wrinkle or crack. Slows the drying time ofthe oil colour.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPRCFAPM75 Artists Painting Medium -75ml 1 3 7.65RCFAPM250 Artists Painting Medium - 250ml 1 1 14.55Purified Linseed Oil - by Royal TalensReduces the consistency and increase the flow of oil colours Increases the gloss Increases the drying time Can be thinned with white spirit or turpentineProduct code Description MOQ PQ RRPRT24280027 Purified Linseed Oil - 75ml 1 5 5.95 Web: www.artstat.co.uk Email: action@artstat.co.uk'