b'165Chinese PaintingChinese Painting SetsChinese and Japanese painting techniques tend to have very simple compositions but create outstanding works of art. Eastern art is known to be highly meticulous and detailed as well as very gestural, simple and understated. If you visit a Shinto shrine in Japan you will find the interior decorated with creatures such as dragons, where every scale has been painstakingly rendered or you find Chinese and Japanese screens decorated with bamboo motifs made up of just 1 or 2 simple brush strokes, made with a long haired goat brush.SmallThe materials and sets below will help you explore the fascinating and fun world of Chinese and Japanese painting.Product code Description MOQ PQFSQ577036 Chinese Painting Set - Small 1 3Contains: 2 brushes, ink stone, stick & water bowl.FSQ577039 Chinese Painting Set - Large 1 3LargeContains: 2 brushes, ink stone, stick, water bowl, brush rest & stamp.FSQ577038 Chinese Painting Set - Fan 1 3Contains: 5 brushes, ink stone, stick, water bowl, brush rest & stamp.FanCollins and DavisonChinese Painting Brushes (Economy)These chinese brushes are made with brown pony hair are of the highestSmallquality. The brushes spring back to shape very quickly and are very absorbent. The belly of the brush is very full and the tip of the brush has a fine point. This gives the best free flowing brush strokes. The thick hairMediumallows the brush to hold the fullest capacity of ink. LargeProduct code Description MOQ PQFAK577007 Chinese Painting Brush1 5Economy - SmallFAK577008 Chinese Painting Brush1 5Economy - MediumFAK577009 Chinese Painting Brush1 5Economy - LargeSales order line: 0161 902 3800'