b'450ProMarker- by Winsor & NewtonAlcohol MarkersWinsor & Newton ProMarker is a high quality twin-tipped marker thatmakes the perfect introduction to colouring with alcohol based markers.Product code Description MOQ PQUPM**** Winsor & Newton ProMarker 1 6When specifying the colour, quote the letters after the code.*White Blender Coming Soon UPM**** Blender Pens 1 6When specifying the colour, quote the letters after the code. WHIT - White Blender* BLEN - BlenderColour Range:CodeCode Code CodeAGEAAegean CTAICocktail Pink IG1Ice Grey 1 PALEPale PinkALMOAlmond COCOCocoa IG2Ice Grey 2 PBEIPastel BeigeAMBEAmber COFFCoffee IG3Ice Grey 3 PBLUPastel BlueAMETAmethyst COBAColbalt Blue IG4Ice Grey 4 PGREPastel GreenANTIAntique Pink COOLCool Aqua IG5Ice Grey 5 PPINPastel PinkAWHIAntique White CG0Cool Grey 00 IG6Ice Grey 6 PYELPastel YellowAPPLApple CG00Cool Grey 0 IG7Ice Grey 7 SPEASoft PeachAPRIApricot CG1Cool Grey 1 INDIIndigo Blue PEARPear GreenARCTArctic Blue CG2Cool Grey 2 IVORIvory PEBBPebble BlueAUBEAubergine CG3Cool Grey 3 KHAKKhaki PESTPestoAZURAzure CG4Cool Grey 4 LAVELavender PETRPetrol BlueBABYBaby Pink CG5Cool Grey 5 LEAFLeaf Green PINEPineBERRBerry RedCG6Cool Grey 6 LEMOLemon PINKPink CamelliaBISQBisque CG7Cool Grey 7 LCHILemon Chiffon PCARPink CarnationBLACBlack CORACoral LPECLight Pecan PLUMPlumBLOSBlossom CORNCornflower LILALilac POPPPoppyBBLABlue Black CRIMCrimson LIMELime Green POWDPowder BlueBLUEBlue Pearl CYANCyan LZESLime Zest PRALPralineBBELBluebell DEEPDeep Mocha LINELinen PRIMPrimroseBLUSBlush DENIDenim Blue LIPSLipstick Red PRUSPrussianBGREBright Green DUCKDuck Egg LUSHLush Green PUMPPumpkinBRIGBright Orange DUSKDusky Pink MAGEMagenta PURPPurpleBURGBurgundy DROSDusky Rose MANDMandarin PUTTPuttyBURNBurnt Mahogany EMEREmerald MANGMango RAWRaw SiennaBORABurnt Orange FIREFirebrick MARIMarine REDRedBSIEBurnt Sienna FOREForest Green MAROMaroon ROSERose PinkBUMBBurnt Umber FRENFrench Navy MARSMarsh Green ROYARoyal BlueBUTTButtercup FUSCFuschia Pink MEADMeadow Green RUBYRubyCADECadet Blue GINGGinger MIDNMidnight Blue SADDSaddle BrownCANACanary GOLDGold MINTMint Green SAFFSaffronCARACaramel GRASGrass MISTMisty Rose SALMSalmon PinkCARDCardinal Red GREEGreen MOSSMoss SANDSandstoneCARMCarmine GGREGrey Green MULBMulberry SATISatinCEDACedar Brown HAZEHazelnutMUSTMustard SHALShaleCERICerise HENNHenna MUTEMuted Pink SKYSky BlueCHAMChampagne HERBHerb Green OATMOatmeal SLATSlateCHESChestnut HOLLHolly OLIVOlive Green SGRESoft GreenCHINChina Blue HONEHoney ORANOrange SOFTSoft LimeCHOCChocolate HOTPHot Pink ORCHOrchid SPICSpiceCINNCinnamon IG0Ice Grey 00 PBLOPale Blossom STORStorm CloudCLOUCloud Blue IG00Ice Grey 0 PCREPale CreamColour range continues on the following page Web: www.artstat.co.uk Email: action@artstat.co.uk'