b'304Pebeo Mixed MediaMixed Media Discovery Kits- by PebeoProduct code Description MOQ PQNP754701 Mixed Media Kit - 6 x 20ml 1 1NP754801 Mixed Media Kit - 12 x 20ml 1 1Ceramic Sets- by PebeoOpaque and very bright, alkyd oil-based colours (lacquer finish), ideal for decorating ceramics. Suitable for use on a large range of ceramic surfaces, such as china, terracotta and earthenware, and also on metals, wood and canvas. Once dry, the colours are resistant to scratching and washing in cold water without soaking, they are also resistant to window cleaner and have good lightfastness. Ceramic is intended for decorative purposes only.Product code Description MOQ PQPCIS Ceramic Initiation Set 1 46 x 20ml Contains: 6 x 20ml colours: White, Rich Yellow, Cherry Red, Lavender, Black and Rich Gold.PCES Ceramic Explorer Set 1 212 x 20mlContains: 12 x 20ml colours: Antique White, Light Yellow, Orange, Cherry Red, Cyclamen, Mauve, Turquoise, Lavender, Green, Chamois, Black and Precious Gold.*Great For Mixed Media Projects Web: www.artstat.co.uk Email: action@artstat.co.uk'